Friday, April 25, 2014

EQ 10

What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

We are using a program called Adobe Flash CS6. We are creating a movie with flash. There is lots of things to know about flash to actually create something. There is a stage. A stage is where you draw all of your pictures in flash. Then there is a Clipboard. The Clipboard is the area around the stage. You can draw stuff on there and expand your flash movie or game. You cane create a game in flash too. Next you have the Tool Bar. The Tool Bar has all of your tools that is needed for flash. There is a paint bucket, pencil, brush, selector tool ect. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

EQ 9

-How did your company presentation go? What was the best part? What was the weakest part? What is the main thing you learned during this presentation?

It went pretty well. We put alot of time into it. I liked our designs and video. The weakest part is knowing that we put in our all and still failed. The main thing I learned was to you have to have a great presentation or you will not pass.

Friday, April 4, 2014

EQ 8

We are currently designing our commercial in Illustrator. Instead of getting pictures off of the internet, we have chosen to draw our commercial. I can't wait to see what we come up with!

Monday, March 31, 2014

EQ 7

Review this semester. What activities have you enjoyed and why? 
I liked doing the Business Logos. I like it because we could design the as we wanted to. It was our own designs, we also got to learn a little bit more about Photoshop.
What activities have you not enjoyed and why?
I didn't enjoy writing the Business Plan. One, because I don't like to write papers, I don't have a creative enough mind to write papers fast. Good but fast to write. 

Upload your favorite piece of work so far and explain why it is your favorite.

This is my favorite thing we have done this semester. I really enjoy designing logos in Photoshop. It is definitely going to help me in the long run. Incase i want to design something or if someone needs a logo designed I would know how to do it because of this class.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

EQ 6

Upload your favorite logo. Explain how you made it. Explain why it is your favorite.

I made this logo in Photoshop. I used the shape tool to get the crown and I used the text tool to write Cloud 9. I like this logo because one my favorite color is red and this logo is red. I also like it because it was my first logo that I have designed.

Friday, March 14, 2014

EQ 5

What are the eight parts of the business plan your were assigned?
1.Executive Summary
2.Company Description
3. Market Analysis
4. Organization & Management
5. Service or Product Line
6. Marketing & Sales
7. Funding Request
8. Financial Projections

 Is that different then you thought? 

What are the issues you have had so far writing your plan?
I was kinda confused with writing the Business Plan but after I saw a few examples I knew how I was supposed to write it. 

What has been easy?
Retyping the Business Plan

Friday, March 7, 2014

EQ 4

What do you think goes in a business plan? What are the parts? Is research involved? What facts do you need to know, if any? Where could you find this information?

What I think goes in a business plan is, well planning of course. I think there is a good bit of research involved in a business plan. These business plans could take up 3-5 years. A business plan is a plan to achieve your business goals. If your solo in your business or in a team you will have goals that you want to reach.

Friday, February 28, 2014

EQ 3

Explain at least two difference between Photoshop and Illustrator. Which one do you like better and why?

I think one difference between Photoshop and Illustrator it the paint bucket. On Photoshop you can draw or make a shape and then select the paint bucket and paint in your object. On Illustrator you have to draw/make a shape, then select the selected tool, select the outline of the object and then use the paint bucket. It was really tricky for me to find the paint bucket,  but I did! Another thing that is different on Photoshop than Illustrator is that I don't know if you can add a photo and customize it like you can in Photoshop. 

Friday, February 21, 2014


What has been your favorite project so far and why? Upload the project and explain why it has been your favorite.

This has been my favorite projects so far. The reason why? Is because we are getting to do our own thing. We don't have to go by any guide lines or a book or anything of that nature. This is our Company logo. Qwan and I have designed a company called Cloud 9. We plan to sell clothing, jewelry, zippo's etc. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

EQ 1

What do you need to do to start a business? Try to list and explain at least 5 things that you would need to consider.

 To start a Business you will first need money. To succeed in a business you need commitment and loyalty. You need people that you can trust and that are responsible.